Andrew's Miracle Touch

 About Me

My goals and dreams are to help others to relieve stress from their daily living.  I enjoy my work and I can tell how much they appreciate my service. It makes me feel good to know that I done a great job of helping others to feel good about themselves.

Hold on Members!

imageI have more surprises to tell you. I’m not only a professional massage therapist; I am also a professional entertainer as pantomime, magician, and comedy magic. As ‘Andy Flash the Magic Mime,’ I have been an entertainer since my early teens and am still one today.  That makes it over 30 years and I’ve worked many states from New York City to Florida.   Today I am now aka ‘The Blind Magician.’ I recently created a comedy screenplay about a blind man who is going to rob a bank.  The story is entitled, ‘Blind Bandit.’ This is going to be a fun movie to watch.  Not only that, it is going to be very educational because you are going to learn about, and experience, the world of the disabled. You will be amazed how we get through life with the new technologies that are now available to us.

I want to share this movie with my fellow professional massage therapists in AMTA because you have undoubtedly already had clients who are disabled, or will certainly have some in the future and this will help you to understand them better. That is my goal: to be able to help you to understand and relate to your disabled clients.

I created the ‘Blind Bandit’ because I want to prove my point to show each of you that we are capable of doing everything a sighted person can do.

My philosophy is: ‘You can do…and be…anything you want… if you set your mind to it.  I know I did!

Please check my website at or e-mail me at and feel free to e-mail and tell me what you think of my idea!

Remember to fill your hands with Love, Healing, and Energy because you are used by others to relieve the stress from life.

Andrew, C.L.M.T.